By most recent postings

31/07/2008| Pro-development approach essential if WTO talks to resume, says ITUC

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08/07/2008| Union Leaders Say G8 Have Abdicated Economic Leadership at the Toyako Summit

g8 Version française disponible

03/07/2008| G8 Summit: Leaders need to deliver on promises


11/06/2008| ILO Annual Conference: TUAC General Secretary calls for "new and updated cooperation agreement" between the ILO and the OECD

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09/06/2008| OECD Finance Ministers say little on the economic and financial crises but move forward tentatively on inequality issues and climate change


03/06/2008| Joint TUAC/ETUC statement: Union leaders call to resist lobby groups in considering new regulation of private equity and hedge funds

gf Version française disponible

30/05/2008| TUAC holds talks on union priorities concerning the OECD enlargement process

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28/05/2008| Union Leaders Call for Urgent Action on Jobs, Inequality and Food Crisis in Advance of the OECD Finance Ministers’ Meeting

dc ej es g8 gf mt sd tu Version française disponible

16/05/2008| Unions welcome G8 Labour Minister proposals for green job creation but see Niigata conclusions as only a small step towards building an effective social dimension to globalisation

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18/04/2008| TUAC calls for evidence-based end-user approach to rule OECD future work on corporate governance


19/03/2008| Trade union concerns over OECD handling of political economy of reform

ej gf Version française disponible

05/02/2008| G7 Finance meeting in Tokyo: Unions call for aggressive and coordinated fiscal and monetary response to counter economic crisis

ej g8 Version française disponible

30/01/2008| Davos 2008 report on private equity validates unions’ concerns on jobs – but more work needed


25/01/2008| Davos: Dangerous Complacency over Global Economy

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25/01/2008| ITUC Joins World Social Forum Action Day, calls for support for World Day for Decent Work on 7 October

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About TUAC

The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) to the OECD is an interface for labour unions with the OECD. It is an international trade union organisation which has consultative status with the OECD and its various committees.

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