TUAC Thesaurus

Results for Document TUAC / keyword: aid effectiveness

01/12/2011| TUAC Papers | APG Memorandum on the Impact of a European FTT - TUAC/ITUC Response


| | OECD Economic Outlook - Unions say: Give workers confidence and jobs


| | OECD Publication - Perspectives on Global Development 2012: Social cohesion in a Shifting World


18/11/2011| TUAC Papers | ITUC/TUAC Evaluation of the G20 Cannes Summit, 3-4 November 2011

g8 Version française disponible

09/11/2011| Other Material | Responsible business conduct: Re-shaping global business by John Evans


| | B20 L20 joint statement


| | Progress on Jobs As G20 Puts Real Economy Back in the Race


31/10/2011| Other Material | ILO warns of a generation “scarred” by a worsening global youth employment crisis

ej es

| | G20 Leaders Must Put People Before Bankers

ej g8 Version française disponible

| | G20 Finance Ministers face growing public anger for failing to reform financial system


| | OECD proposal of G20 Principles on Financial Consumer Protection: protecting consumers... or the bankers?


08/10/2011| TUAC Papers | Speculation and Sovereign Debt – An Insidious Interaction

gf Version française disponible

| | Trade unions discuss future environmental trends in the OECD

sd Version française disponible

04/10/2011| TUAC Papers | TUAC Submission to the OECD Working Group of the Investment Committee 30 September 2011


30/09/2011| TUAC Papers | Trade Union comments ahead of the Plenary of the FSB (3 October 2011)

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