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Results for TUAC News / keyword: aid effectiveness

| | G20 Labour Ministers Map a Path That Finance Ministers and Leaders Cannot Ignore


27/09/2011| Other Material | The dilemma of job creation and decent work - Edward Webster


| | G20 Labour Ministers Meeting: It's time to put the workers first

ej g8

| | G20 Labour Ministers Need to Push for Job Creation

ej g8 Version française disponible

| | IFIs and G20 Must Lead a Global Action Plan to Put Job Creation at the Top of Their Agenda

ej g8 Version française disponible

| | OECD Confirms Jobs Emergency and Calls for Stronger Social Protection - Paris, 15 September 2011


| | University degrees no guarantee for adequate employment: new OECD indicators on education


| | OECD cuts global growth forecast


| | OECD draft proposal of G20 Principles on Financial Consumer Protection falls short of trade union expectations


30/08/2011| TUAC Papers | Joint contribution by the TUAC, the ITUC & UNI Finance to the OECD public consultation on “Draft G20 High-Level Principles on Financial Consumer Protection”


24/08/2011| OECD Documents | OECD rings alarm bell on oligopolistic structures created by "too-big-to-fail" global financial conglomerates


| | OECD growth is grinding to a halt


| | Union Leaders call for emergency G20 Summit to respond to run on financial markets

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04/08/2011| OECD Documents | OECD Pension Markets in Focus 2011


| | OECD attack on Belgium’s wage indexation system is ill-founded

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