TUAC Thesaurus

Results for Document TUAC / keyword: aid effectiveness

15/02/2011| TUAC Papers | Update of the MNE Guidelines: Employment and Industrial Relations Worker V Employee - TUAC Briefing Note, February 2011


15/02/2011| TUAC Papers | Update of the OECD MNE Guidelines - Progress: February 2011


31/01/2011| TUAC Papers | TUAC comments on draft IOPS/OECD Guidelines on Pension Fund investments in Alternative and Derivatives


| | Jobs Central to Recovery, Say Leaders of International Financial Institutions

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18/01/2011| TUAC Papers | Trade Union Priorities for the French 2011 Presidency of the G20 / G8

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14/01/2011| TUAC Papers | Corporate Governance in South Africa


| | TUAC Plenary meeting debates union response to economic crisis and strengthening ties with Emerging Economy unions


| | President Sarkozy commits to putting social dimension of globalisation centre-stage at G20 meetings in 2011

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| | Invest in youth to tackle jobs crisis, says OECD


10/12/2010| TUAC Papers | Update of the OECD MNE Guidelines - TUAC Statement on Progress - December 2010


| | G20: International Union Delegation to Meet French President Sarkozy, Monday 13th December, Paris

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07/12/2010| OECD Documents | PISA 2009 Summary


07/12/2010| TUAC Papers | TUAC comments on OECD draft synthesis report on "regulatory policy" and sustainable growth


19/11/2010| TUAC Papers | ITUC/TUAC Evaluation of the G20 Seoul Leaders' Declaration and Summit Outcome - Seoul, 11-12 November 2010

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| | Unions say shift policy priority back to job creation as OECD revises downwards its growth projections for 2011

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