TUAC Thesaurus

Results for Document TUAC / keyword: aid effectiveness

06/05/2010| OECD Documents | OECD - Terms of reference for an update of the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - 4 May 2010


04/05/2010| TUAC Papers | Corporate Governance in Brazil - An International Trade Union Perspective


| | Unions make work safer: a global message for this 28th April


| | G20 ministers and IMF should endorse financial transactions tax to meet looming public resources gap

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22/04/2010| TUAC Papers | ITUC/TUAC Evaluation of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting (Washington DC, 20-21 April 2010)

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| | G20 Labour Ministers give an important message on Jobs - but will government action to raise global employment follow?

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| | G-20 Trade union leaders urge labour ministers to push for job-intensive recovery strategies

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| | World’s Unions Urge G20 to Focus on Jobs for Economic Recovery

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13/04/2010| TUAC Papers | PPPs – In pursuit of fair risk sharing and value for the people?

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| | OECD forecasts warn against premature “exit strategies”


| | Global labour movement mourns loss of Russian union activist


| | Lobbying & Public Accountability: TUAC Welcomes new OECD Principles


25/03/2010| TUAC Papers | "Beating the Jobs Crisis" Global Unions Statement to the G20 Employment and Labour Ministers' Meeting - Washington, 20-21 April 2010

ej g8 Version française disponible

19/03/2010| TUAC Papers | The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - 2010 'Update' Terms of Reference - TUAC submission to the OECD Investment Committee - Paris 19 March 2010


10/03/2010| Other trade unions papers | After the crisis: towards a sustainable growth model

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