TUAC Thesaurus

Results for Document TUAC / keyword: aid effectiveness

25/03/2009| Other trade unions papers | Global Crisis: statements and press releases by Belgian trade unions

ej gf

24/03/2009| TUAC Papers | Global Unions London Declaration - Statement to the London G20 Summit

ej g8 Version française disponible

24/03/2009| TUAC Papers | "A Global Action Plan for Jobs" Global Unions Statement to G8/G14 Social Summit - Rome, 28-30 March 2009

ej g8

23/03/2009| TUAC Papers | Impact of the crisis on pension funds: TUAC submission to OECD WP on private pensions, Budapest 25 March 2009


23/03/2009| Other trade unions papers | Global Crisis: Canadian CLC and CSN statements and press releases

ej gf

23/03/2009| Other trade unions papers | Global Crisis: statement and press releases by German DGB

ej gf

| | Trade Unions to G20: Half Measures Will Not Fix Broken Global Economy

ej g8 Version française disponible

17/03/2009| OECD Documents | www.oecd.org/crisisresponse the OECD's webpage on the global crisis

ej gf

| | TUAC Chief Economists to meet to develop response to the crisis as economic situation worsens

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09/02/2009| Other Material | Global Crisis: information page on the G20 Process


30/01/2009| TUAC Papers | European Commission Consultation on Hedge Funds: TUAC's Submission


| | Davos 2009: Dramatic Turn in Growth and Employment Forecasts Requires Immediate Government Action for Employment and Re-regulation of Finance

ej gf

| | Trade unions call for coordinated action to support jobs at meetings with the IMF in Washington


| | TUAC & UNI make joint contribution to OECD work on credit and mortgage-related financial education


20/01/2009| OECD Documents | Household indebtedness and wealth in US, UK, France & Germany 1996-2007

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