TUAC Thesaurus

Results for TUAC News / keyword: aid effectiveness

| | Report on "Green Jobs" call for ambitious and sustainable employment policies

sd ej

| | Bailing out financial capitalism: what governments must demand in return

gf Version française disponible

| | OECD education indicators reveal a gap between the rhetoric and reality in education


| | Organising workers globally, the need for public policy to regulate investment


| | OECD releases new guidance on ethics and corruption in the public sector


| | OECD Economic forecast surprisingly optimistic


| | Governance of pension funds: TUAC welcomes the OECD proposal to revise its Guidelines

gf Version française disponible

| | Pro-development approach essential if WTO talks to resume, says ITUC

g8 mt

18/07/2008| TUAC Papers | China-OECD Multi-stakeholder Symposium on "Government Approaches to Encouraging Responsible Business Conduct"

g8 mt

11/07/2008| Other Material | Financial Market Turbulence, comments by Robert Kuttner, Co-Editor, The American Prospect


09/07/2008| TUAC Papers | TUAC Evaluation of the Outcome of the G8 Hokkaido-Toyako Summit - July 2008

g8 Version française disponible

| | Union Leaders Say G8 Have Abdicated Economic Leadership at the Toyako Summit

g8 Version française disponible

| | Trade unions are seriously concerned about short and medium term employment prospects


| | G8 Summit: Leaders need to deliver on promises


24/06/2008| Other Material | Professor Ruggie, Keynote Presentation Annual Meeting of National Contact Points

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