TUAC Thesaurus

Results for Document TUAC / keyword: aid effectiveness

02/05/2008| TUAC Papers | Trade Union Statement to G8 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting - Niigata, 11-12 May 2008 "Restoring social cohesion in a global economy"

g8 Version française disponible

02/05/2008| TUAC Papers | Trade Union Priorities for the 16th Commission on Sustainable Development


28/04/2008| Other trade unions papers | The OECD and Wage Formation in the Euro Area: How Ideological Priors Lead to a Misreading of the Evidence - ETUC Collective Bargaining Information Bulletin 2008/2

ej Version française disponible

| | Environment and Global Competitiveness - Meeting of the Environment Policy Committe


| | TUAC Makes Occupational Health & HIV/AIDS a Priority for 28 April


23/04/2008| TUAC Papers | Environment and Global Competitiveness - TUAC submission to the Meeting of the Environment Policy Committe


| | TUAC calls for evidence-based end-user approach to rule OECD future work on corporate governance


| | Income inequality on the rise: OECD countries are increasingly growing unequal


01/04/2008| OECD Documents | Thematic Review of Tertiary Education - Draft of Synthesis Report

es Version française disponible

| | Release of the OECD Interim Economic Outlook: Trade unions call for coordinated OECD-wide fiscal action in support of jobs

ej Version française disponible

| | Trade union concerns over OECD handling of political economy of reform

ej gf Version française disponible

15/03/2008| TUAC Papers | From shareholder value to private equity – the changing face of financialisation of the economy


04/03/2008| TUAC Papers | Corporate Governance in Sweden - An International Trade Union Perspective


03/03/2008| TUAC Papers | TUAC/RENGO Symposium on the OECD MNE Guidelines – Tokyo, 25 February 2008


01/03/2008| Other Material | Using the OECD Guidelines to Tackle Corporate Corruption

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