TUAC Thesaurus

Results for Document TUAC / keyword: aid effectiveness

12/11/2007| TUAC Papers | Second Ad Hoc meeting on Private Equity & Financialisation

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29/10/2007| Other trade unions papers | Overview on migration trends in Italy and on challenges faced by trade union due to migration - Guglielmo Loy - UIL Confederal Secretary


29/10/2007| OECD Documents | OECD Working Paper on "Migration in OECD countries: labour market impact and integration issues"


29/10/2007| OECD Documents | Migration - a tool to promote sustainable development and decent work? A sending countries perspectives - Jeff Dayton-Johnson - OECD Development Centre


29/10/2007| OECD Documents | Economic and labour market impact of immigration in OECD countries - presentation by Orsetta Causa - OECD


| | TUAC - OECD Labour Management Seminar on Fair Labour Migration - from Vision to Reality


29/10/2007| Other trade unions papers | Social dialogue and a rights-based framework - at the heart of migration policy - Global Union statement


29/10/2007| OECD Documents | Recent developments in migration movements and policies - an overview by J. P. Garson - OECD


18/10/2007| Other Material | Regulating pension fund disclosure of environmental, social and governance practices


09/10/2007| TUAC Papers | India – a case for labour market deregulation?


| | India – a case for labour market deregulation?


02/10/2007| Other trade unions papers | Corporate tax warning from unions in OECD Observer

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| | Education and Training: more investment by governments and employers is vital


05/09/2007| TUAC Papers | Financialisation and the sub-prime financial crisis – Issues paper by the TUAC


05/09/2007| TUAC Papers | 'Sub-prime' financial crisis: TUAC President John Sweeney writes to the OECD General Secretary

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