Nouvelles du TUAC

Les derniers titres

16/06/2009| Creating effective teaching environments: Much remains to be done says a new OECD report on teachers


12/06/2009| 2009 spring economics: green shoots or still more yellow weeds?


23/05/2009| Privatisation: TUAC & PSI call for OECD to drop privatisation project and to focus on governance of state-owned enterprises


20/05/2009| The Job Crisis as reflected in revised economic forecasts - Roland Schneider - TUAC - Paris 18 May 2009


04/05/2009| Corporate governance: OECD should respect diversity of national systems, including worker & other stakeholder mechanisms


29/04/2009| Gender, Development and Decent Work: Building a Common Agenda

dc ej

28/04/2009| 28 April: World’s Trade Unions Demand Action to End Workplace Carnage

ej sd

07/04/2009| Trade Union Evaluations of the G20 London Summit & G8/14 Rome Social Summit

ej g8 gf

06/04/2009| TUAC and OECD Seminar on Gender, Development and Decent Work


03/04/2009| G20 Summit: Progress on Jobs and a Chance for a New Globalisation

ej g8 gf

02/04/2009| Union pressure raises profile of job issue at G20 Summit, but much more needs to be done

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31/03/2009| G20: World’s Unions Call for Far-Reaching Urgent Action

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27/03/2009| Unions call on Labour Ministers to support increased G20 action on growth and jobs

ej g8 Version française disponible

23/03/2009| Trade Unions to G20: Half Measures Will Not Fix Broken Global Economy

ej g8 Version française disponible

27/02/2009| TUAC Chief Economists to meet to develop response to the crisis as economic situation worsens

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A propos du TUAC

La Commission Syndicale Consultative auprès de l'OCDE (TUAC) est l'interface entre syndicats de salariés et l'OCDE. C'est une organisation syndicale internationale bénéficiant du statut consultatif auprès de l'OCDE et de ses divers comités.

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