Nouvelles du TUAC

Les derniers titres

17/11/2008| G20 Trade Union Leaders Meet with IFIs, Heads of State and Call for Vigorous Action to Counter the Global Economic Crisis

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13/11/2008| Economic Crisis: World's Trade Unions Put Recovery and Reform Plan to G20

g8 Version française disponible

06/11/2008| TUAC and South African Unions discuss OECD engagement and economic crisis


20/10/2008| Economic crisis comes on top of growing inequality as shown in OECD report – Trade unions call for urgent action to stop growth in poverty

ej Version française disponible

20/10/2008| Executive Excess 2008: The divide between CEO and worker pay in the U.S.


16/10/2008| TUAC pays tribute to Henri Bernard

tu Version française disponible

08/10/2008| International and European trade union leaders call for crisis action from the G7 Finance Ministers

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26/09/2008| Report on "Green Jobs" call for ambitious and sustainable employment policies

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19/09/2008| Bailing out financial capitalism: what governments must demand in return

gf Version française disponible

09/09/2008| OECD education indicators reveal a gap between the rhetoric and reality in education


08/09/2008| Organising workers globally, the need for public policy to regulate investment


05/09/2008| OECD releases new guidance on ethics and corruption in the public sector


03/09/2008| OECD Economic forecast surprisingly optimistic


05/08/2008| Governance of pension funds: TUAC welcomes the OECD proposal to revise its Guidelines

gf Version française disponible

31/07/2008| Pro-development approach essential if WTO talks to resume, says ITUC

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A propos du TUAC

La Commission Syndicale Consultative auprès de l'OCDE (TUAC) est l'interface entre syndicats de salariés et l'OCDE. C'est une organisation syndicale internationale bénéficiant du statut consultatif auprès de l'OCDE et de ses divers comités.

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