Nouvelles du TUAC

Les derniers titres

28/02/2008| Unions call for more effective implementation of the OECD Multinational Guidelines in Asia


06/02/2008| UN members States must make decent work a prime commitment, say Global and European trade unions

ej Version française disponible

05/02/2008| G7 Finance meeting in Tokyo: Unions call for aggressive and coordinated fiscal and monetary response to counter economic crisis

ej g8 Version française disponible

30/01/2008| Davos 2008 report on private equity validates unions’ concerns on jobs – but more work needed


25/01/2008| Davos: Dangerous Complacency over Global Economy

ej g8

25/01/2008| ITUC Joins World Social Forum Action Day, calls for support for World Day for Decent Work on 7 October

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23/01/2008| World labour leaders at Davos: US interest rate move necessary, but fundamental problems must be addressed

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10/01/2008| Unions Targeting Education and Training at the OECD (video)


09/01/2008| 90 Cases of violations of the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises


09/01/2008| The brain drain is a serious problem for many developing countries

dc ej g8

24/12/2007| New TUAC Website Launched


20/12/2007| World Trade Unions Say Global Outcome of Climate Decision Positive


06/12/2007| On the Release of OECD Economic Outlook Trade Unions warn against complacency


04/12/2007| Provision of equitable learning opportunities remains a key challenge according to OECD’s PISA survey

es Version française disponible

28/11/2007| OECD governments must tackle growing inequality, financial instability and poverty

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A propos du TUAC

La Commission Syndicale Consultative auprès de l'OCDE (TUAC) est l'interface entre syndicats de salariés et l'OCDE. C'est une organisation syndicale internationale bénéficiant du statut consultatif auprès de l'OCDE et de ses divers comités.

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