Documents du TUAC

Les derniers titres

07/04/2009| TUAC evaluation of the G8 Labour and Employment Summit, Rome, 29-31 March 2009

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31/03/2009| TUAC written contribution to OECD Ministerial on Regional Policy and Innovation, 31 March


24/03/2009| Global Unions London Declaration - Statement to the London G20 Summit

ej g8 Version française disponible

24/03/2009| "A Global Action Plan for Jobs" Global Unions Statement to G8/G14 Social Summit - Rome, 28-30 March 2009

ej g8

23/03/2009| Impact of the crisis on pension funds: TUAC submission to OECD WP on private pensions, Budapest 25 March 2009


30/01/2009| European Commission Consultation on Hedge Funds: TUAC's Submission


19/12/2008| Analysis of Cases Raised with National Contact Points


02/12/2008| Re-regulation in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis - TUAC Position Paper

gf Version française disponible

28/11/2008| Pension Fund Investments in Private Equity: Implications for the Stewardship of Workers’ Capital


18/11/2008| Joint TUAC / ITUC Evaluation of the G20 Summit Crisis on Financial Markets

g8 gf Version française disponible

05/11/2008| The Global Unions "Washington Declaration"

ej g8 Version française disponible

18/07/2008| China-OECD Multi-stakeholder Symposium on "Government Approaches to Encouraging Responsible Business Conduct"

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09/07/2008| TUAC Evaluation of the Outcome of the G8 Hokkaido-Toyako Summit - July 2008

g8 Version française disponible

09/06/2008| Outcome of the Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level, 4-5 June 2008


30/05/2008| TUAC position paper on the OECD enlargement of membership and enhanced engagement with non members

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A propos du TUAC

La Commission Syndicale Consultative auprès de l'OCDE (TUAC) est l'interface entre syndicats de salariés et l'OCDE. C'est une organisation syndicale internationale bénéficiant du statut consultatif auprès de l'OCDE et de ses divers comités.

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