Documents du TUAC

Les derniers titres

20/05/2008| Trade Union Statement to the OECD Ministerial Council "Outreach, Reform and the Economics of climate Change" - 4-5 June 2008

dc ej es g8 gf mt sd tu Version française disponible

16/05/2008| Outcome of G8 Labour & Employment Ministers Meeting - Niigata, 11-13 May 2008 - TUAC Evaluation

ej g8 sd

05/05/2008| Trade Union Statement to G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit - July 2008 "Responding to the global crises: the role of G8 leadership"

g8 Version française disponible

02/05/2008| Trade Union Statement to G8 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting - Niigata, 11-12 May 2008 "Restoring social cohesion in a global economy"

g8 Version française disponible

02/05/2008| Trade Union Priorities for the 16th Commission on Sustainable Development


23/04/2008| Environment and Global Competitiveness - TUAC submission to the Meeting of the Environment Policy Committe


15/03/2008| From shareholder value to private equity – the changing face of financialisation of the economy


04/03/2008| Corporate Governance in Sweden - An International Trade Union Perspective


03/03/2008| TUAC/RENGO Symposium on the OECD MNE Guidelines – Tokyo, 25 February 2008


09/01/2008| OECD MNE Guidelines: TUAC's updated list of NCP cases


13/12/2007| Sovereign Wealth Funds: TUAC's recommendations to the OECD


02/12/2007| Statement by the Global Unions on Responsible Approaches to the Stewardship of Workers’ Capital


28/11/2007| TUAC statement to the OECD on the Economic Situation


28/11/2007| A Users' Guide For Trade Unionists to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

mt Version française disponible

19/11/2007| TUAC Statement on the Economic Situation

ej gf Version française disponible
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A propos du TUAC

La Commission Syndicale Consultative auprès de l'OCDE (TUAC) est l'interface entre syndicats de salariés et l'OCDE. C'est une organisation syndicale internationale bénéficiant du statut consultatif auprès de l'OCDE et de ses divers comités.

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