TUAC Thesaurus

Résultats pour TUAC News / mot clé: aid effectiveness

| | OECD Social Policy Ministerial: Social Policy Ministers ‘get the message’ but will Finance Ministers listen?


26/04/2011| Contribution du TUAC | Corporate Governance: TUAC Submission to the OECD


| | OECD-IMF policy response to rising sovereign debt is ineffective, inconsistent and dangerous, says TUAC

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13/04/2011| Contribution du TUAC | TUAC comments on OECD Draft Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance


11/04/2011| Contribution du TUAC | The International Policy Response to the Post-Crisis Rise in Sovereign Debt - A trade union critique

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| | Going for Growth 2011: More of the Old Orthodoxy


30/03/2011| Contribution du TUAC | TUAC Submission to the OECD Working Party on State Ownership and Privatisation Practices


23/03/2011| Contribution du TUAC | Update of the MNE Guidelines - Progress: 23 March 2011


| | G20 Finance Ministers on Wrong Track

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| | OECD growth proposals are impossible with spending cuts, says TUC

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| | Global Union Movement Expresses Sympathy and Solidarity with the People of Japan in the Wake of the Tohuko Earthquake


| | TUAC in solidarity with Wisconsin workers

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24/02/2011| Contribution du TUAC | Joint comments by ITUC, TUAC & UNI on Basel Committee proposal of bankers' & traders' pay disclosure requirements


| | G20 Finance Ministers Fall Flat on Jobs, Disappoint on Financial Reform

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| | G20 Must Act for Jobs, Regulation and Financial Transactions Tax

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