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Résultats pour TUAC News / mot clé: aid effectiveness

| | Investing in quality public services – the best alternative to austerity cuts

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14/10/2010| Contribution du TUAC | Global Unions Statement to the G20 Seoul Summit - 11-12 November 2010

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| | European Unions Unite to Reject Austerity


| | Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: fundamental shift in the policy approach needed, say trade unions


| | OECD: worse than expected outlook signals need to maintain stimulus and prioritise jobs


| | EU finance ministers must support taxes on banks and financial transactions


| | Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: European companies in the US


| | Governments must not sacrifice future generations by cutting back on education


| | Change to global accounting standard threatens quality pension schemes, warn ITUC & TUAC

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06/09/2010| Contribution du TUAC | Joint ITUC/TUAC Submission to the IASB Review of IAS 19 Accounting Standard for Defined Benefit Pension Plans

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| | Governments must address the challenge of youth unemployment - Trade union message to governments

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07/07/2010| Documents de l'OCDE | OECD Employment Outlook 2010 - Moving beyond the jobs crisis

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| | Governments must maintain adequate resources for labour market programmes

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05/07/2010| Contribution du TUAC | ITUC/TUAC Evaluation of the G20 Toronto Summit Declaration and the G8 Muskoka Summit Declaration


29/06/2010| Contribution du TUAC | Trade Union Cases Raised with the National Contacts Points

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