TUAC Thesaurus

Résultats pour Document TUAC / mot clé: aid effectiveness

29/06/2010| Contribution du TUAC | TUAC Submission to the OECD Annual Meeting of National Contact Points - Paris, 29 June 2010


| | G20 failing to meet jobs challenge

g8 Version française disponible

| | Canadian Prime Minister Agrees G20 Must Measure Recovery by Jobs


| | Trade union message to G20 Leaders: “deliver commitment on jobs now!”

ej g8 Version française disponible

07/06/2010| Contribution du TUAC | Take action on jobs to sustain the recovery - Global unions' statement to the G8/G20 Ontario Summits Canada, June 2010

ej g8

| | G20 Finance Ministers risk tipping global economy back into recession

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| | Trade Unions Warn G20 Finance Ministers Against Inaction

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03/06/2010| Documents de l'OCDE | OECD Observer - Beating the jobs crisis - Richard Trumka - President - AFL-CIO


01/06/2010| Contribution du TUAC | Trade Union Statement to the 4th Plenary of the Financial Stability Forum


31/05/2010| Contribution du TUAC | Conclusions of the Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level, Paris 27-28 May 2010

ej g8 Version française disponible

31/05/2010| Contribution du TUAC | OECD Council at Ministerial Level, Talking Points by Richard L. Trumka, TUAC President, Paris - May 27, 2010

ej g8

| | TUAC on OECD Ministerial Conclusions - some positive elements but a stampede to exit strategies would be a historic mistake


| | Trade unions warn against government stampede to exit strategies

ej g8 Version française disponible

| | Trade Unions’ Message to OECD Ministers: Beat the Jobs Crisis First!

ej g8 Version française disponible

09/05/2010| Contribution du TUAC | Road to recovery innovation, jobs & clean growth

ej g8 Version française disponible
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