
The 2016 OECD Employment Outlook – Main Findings & Issues
Assessment by the TUAC Secretariat
Paris, 7 July 2016


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The 2016 Employment Outlook of the OECD released on the 7th July gives a warning on the deteriorating employment situation particularly in Europe in the light of the UK referendum outcome on June 23 to leave the European Union. The Outlook contains some pertinent analysis and policy messages on the longer term labour market issues ( http://www.oecd.org/employment/oecd-employment-outlook-19991266.htm), in particular on the use of skills at work. At the same time, however, other arguments and less than transparent statistical techniques are used to back up the standard policy conclusions advocating more flexibility and weakened labour market institutions.

The TUAC assessment – to download on the right hand side – looks at the OECD findings and recommendations regarding recent labour market developments (including the deterioration of job quality and moderate wage dynamics), skills use at work, job protection reforms and gender gaps.