
Public consultation on the OECD draft Recommendation on Public Integrity - Comments by PSI and TUAC



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The Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) and the Public Services International (PSI) welcome the opportunity to comment on a proposal of review of the 1998 OECD Recommendation on Improving Ethical Conduct in the Public Service, which is up for public consultation.

The TUAC and the PSI support the OECD work on public integrity. In our joint statement to the OECD Public Governance Ministerial Meeting in October 2015, Helsinki, Finland, we called upon the OECD to devise “a people-centred approach to public governance of inclusive growth”, including by “ensuring transparent and accountable policy processes within government, with parliamentary bodies and commit to the highest public integrity standards, including better whistle-blower protections within public administrations”2. Public integrity is essential to support public trust in government. Better whistle-blower protections within public administrations will assist in increasing public trust and stamping out corruption. PSI has been working on its anti-corruption campaign for many years now and has developed strong policy objectives in this regard.

We welcome the OECD Draft Recommendation on Public Integrity. We believe that the current text could be improved on some key aspects, as shown in our comments below followed, in annex, by our proposals of amendment to the text. ...

(read the full submission in the attached pdf file)