TUAC Thesaurus

Résultats pour TUAC News / mot clé: aid effectiveness

| | Trade Unions call on Financial Stability Board to raise the regulatory bar for global banks that have become too-big-to-fail

g8 gf

15/07/2011| Contribution du TUAC | Trade Union comments ahead of the Plenary of the FSB (18 July 2011)

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28/06/2011| Contribution du TUAC | TUAC Submission to the OECD Annual Meeting of National Contact Points - Paris, 28 June 2011


| | Time for a Robin Hood Tax activists tell Europe: global day of action in 35 countries

gf dc sd

| | Unions at OECD Ministerial Council call for Jobs not Austerity to be Policy Priority

ej g8 Version française disponible

| | G8 new focus on democracy does not compensate for inaction on social rights, development aid and climate change

g8 Version française disponible

25/05/2011| Contribution du TUAC | Update of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - Key Elements - Paris, 25 May 2011


25/05/2011| Contribution du TUAC | TUAC Statement on the Update of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises - 25 May 2011

mt Version française disponible

25/05/2011| Contribution du TUAC | OECD Forum Launch of Book on Just and Sustainable Global Economy


| | G8 Summit Must Deliver on Jobs

g8 Version française disponible

25/05/2011| Contribution du TUAC | ITUC/TUAC Statement to the G8 Summit in Deauville, 26-27 May 2011

g8 Version française disponible

| | New OECD Guidelines Adopted at Ceremony attended by TUAC & AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka


23/05/2011| Contribution du TUAC | TUAC Statement to the OECD Ministerial Council and OECD 50th Anniversary Forum

ej g8 Version française disponible

| | Trade unions to press OECD Finance Ministers on policies to tackle jobs emergency

ej g8 Version française disponible

| | OECD Report on Taxing Wages Shows Workers Continue Paying for the Crisis

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