Trade union leaders at Davos World Economic Forum to call for action on Jobs, income distribution and re-regulation of financial markets
Start: 20/01/2008  End: 02/02/2008

Recent updates

Philip J. Jennings , General Secretary of UNI Global Union
John Evans , General Secretary of the TUAC

As part of a delegation of Global Unions leaders, John Evans General Secretary of the TUAC will attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos (23-27 January 2008). He will speak at a session on Europe's Model of Leadership on Friday 25 January. In a statement addressed to the business and government elites attending the Forum the Global Unions are to call for action to create decent jobs, reduce widening income gaps and re-regulate financial markets.

  • Luc Cortebeck, Vice –president of TUAC and President of the Belgian union the CSC will address a session on migration.
    Other union leaders speaking at sessions in Davos include:
  • Sharan Burrow , President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) & the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
  • Guy Ryder , General Secretary of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
  • Philip J. Jennings , General Secretary of UNI Global Union
  • David Cockcroft; General Secretary of the International Transport Workers federation (ITF)


ITUC Global Call for Action for Decent Work, Decent Lige

World Social Forum Day of Action and Mobilisation, 26 January 2008


Key TUAC documents on issues to be addressed at the forum

Rebalancing the global economy:

Labour rigths and responsible business conduct:

Rise of alternative investment funds:

Access to education:

Access to decent pension: