
Unions call for more effective government rules on multinationals and investors


Speaking on behalf of Global Unions at the Oslo Csr conference on “partnerships for sustainable development” TUAC General Secretary John Evans called for a twin track approach to improving corporate accountability in the global economy. He recognized the importance of Global Framework Agreements negotiated by between many of the companies addressing the conference and Global Union Federations as well as the need for better enforcement of the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Corporations. However he said that this had to be backed up by more binding rules on investors particularly some of the “new investors” such as hedge funds and private equity groups.

“Under the rules of the new capitalism  – who are our partners?–“ asked Evans “do we not need more and better government regulation? Is it realistic to ask opaque partners in private equity funds to behave “responsibly”? These are some of the questions that we will be putting to G8 leaders when we meet later this summer”.

The web-cast of the conference is availabl at: http://www.regjeringen.no/en/Webcast.html?id=437495#

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