
UNI Success in G4S OECD Guidelines Case


UNI’s complaint against G4S under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprise has been successfully settled using the mediation procedures of the UK National Contact Point.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) the settlement includes an agreement to conduct elections for union representation and to participate in a process to clarify key areas of statutory worker rights, including the right to overtime pay.

In Malawi, (where G4S has 13,000 employees) G4S has agreed that overtime payment will increase from 50% to at least 100% of normal wages and is negotiating the details with the national union. The company also agreed to work with local union representatives to clarify a policy for employee leave time, holidays, medical visits and retirement, and to distribute these policies through a joint statement to all employees and managers.

In terms of process, the case represents a landmark as it was the first time that the UK National Contact Point (NCP) had appointed a mediator. Whilst the mediation faced many challenges, the process not only resulted in the resolution of the complaint, but also laid the foundations for more far-reaching negotiations between UNI and G4S. This has culminated in the signing of a global framework agreement between UNI and G4S. G4S is the second largest private employer in the world.