
TUAC and OECD Seminar on Gender, Development and Decent Work


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TUAC is organising a seminar on the theme of Gender, Development and Decent Work, which will be held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, on the 27th April 2009.

The aim is to examine how to support the employment and empowerment of women in the context of global production systems in which work is increasingly feminised, informalised and precarious. Participants will seek to identify the deficits in Decent Work that affect women workers, before exploring the steps to be taken to ensure that pro-poor growth policies support the movement of women into Decent Work and out of poverty. The discussions will also address the impacts of the financial crisis.

The seminar will be attended by development, poverty reduction and gender policy advisors, as well as academics and trade unionists. Anyone wishing to participate should send an email to Kirstine Drew at the TUAC secretariat (tuac@tuac.org).

The agenda of the meeting is attached.