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L20 Summit Calls on G20 Labour and Finance Ministers to Deliver on a Jobs Plan


Trade union leaders are meeting in Moscow this week at the Labour 20 (L20) Summit on July 17 ahead of the social partners’ consultations with the G20 Labour Ministers and two days prior to the Joint G20 Labour and Finance Ministers’ Meeting, fulfilling a key demand made by Labour unions to G20 Leaders.

Labour 20 representatives will hold discussions on sustainable, green and inclusive growth, quality employment creation and financial regulation, and put forward recommendations for G20 Labour and Finance Ministers urging them to translate past and future commitments into tangible policies.

Present economic and social changes call for decisive policy commitments from the G20. Adverse impacts of austerity, rising inequality and increased unemployment, in particular youth unemployment are highly preoccupying trends.

“We need to stimulate aggregate demand, improve quality employment and ensure investments in infrastructure, fair taxation and adherence to labour standards in global supply chains.”, said John Evans, Secretary General of TUAC.

The Summit will address the G20 Employment Agenda, including the steps taken by the Russian Presidency and the Employment Task Force. The L20 is proposing that the Employment Task Force be given a role in monitoring G20 commitments.

“G20 Labour and Finance ministers have the opportunity to enhance investments in infrastructure and skills to reduce informality and create decent jobs in small and medium-sized enterprises.

“To achieve a jobs-driven recovery, we need an alternative recovery strategy with tax reform, comprehensive youth strategies and the prospects for a ‘Marshall Plan for Europe’,” said Sharan Burrow.

Amongst others, the ILO Director General, Guy Ryder; the OECD General Secretary, Angel Gurria; the Russian G20 Sherpa Kseniya Yudayeva; and the Russian Deputy Minister of Labour, Aleksey Vovchenko will take part in the Summit.

The L20 will also hold a session with the B20 on future collaboration and common commitments to quality apprenticeships, quality jobs and investments, followed by a joint press conference.

Read the L20 Statement

Consult the L20 Summit Agenda

Read the L20 Key Messages

Get Media Accreditation for Open Sessions

Journalists who wish to be accredited for the open session of the L20 Summit and the joint B20 / L20 Press Conference on Wednesday 17th July should contact gemma.swart@ituc-csi.org or byhovskaya@tuac.org.

Summit updates on Twitter via @TUACOECD or #L20, #Labour20