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Joint meeting of the TUAC Working Group on Economic Policy and ITUC/Global Unions


  • Opening remarks by R. Trumkapdf

Washington, D.C., 4-6 March 2014

TUAC and its ITUC/Global Unions’ partners convene a meeting of the Economic Policy Working Group from 4-6 March 2014 to discuss the most pressing economic and social issues at hand. Taking place in Washington DC, this meeting allows for participants to directly consult with IMF and World Bank representatives and other DC based officials and experts. The topics addressed include:

  • the current economic situation, policy responses and alternative strategies
  • the IMF’s “Jobs and Growth” Strategy, assessment of the economic prospects for jobs and living standards
  • Financial Market Regulation
  • Reducing inequality: State of the debate, role of minimum wages, collective bargaining and other labour market institutions
  • Stocktaking on G20 Australia 2014
  • Trade and investment: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
  • the OECD New Approaches to Economic Challenges Project (NAEC)
  • the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (May 2014)

As the meeting is currently underway, you can download and read the opening remarks by TUAC and AFL-CIO President, Richard Trumka, here. Trumka particularly referred to the urgent need to promote “Investment, Jobs and Incomes”. Public infrastructure investment is specifically needed to create liveable cities and millions of jobs whilst doing so. Parallel to ensuring that more jobs are created, the labour movement has to make clear that only building worker bargaining power can raise workers’ wages and promote broad-based prosperity. And, only shared prosperity reflects real inclusive growth in economies.