
Global Union Research Network (GURN) website
The website of the Global Union Research Network (GURN) is now up and functioning.


GURN notably has the support of the ILO's bureau for workers' activities (ACTRAV) in addition to that of active bodies and members of the international labour movement.  The move to set up the network was specifically requested by the international labour movement during the ICFTU-TUAC Millennium debate.

GURN is a research response to the challenge of how to handle rapid economic and social changes through a globalisation process that is undermining existing regulations and arrangements without providing an adequate new regulatory framework.  The new network will strengthen links between trade unions and research institutions in order to improve the dissemination of knowledge, address knowledge gaps, initiate new research and stimulate international cooperation.  The aim is to produce systematic, tailor-made information in response to union needs, especially those originating in unions in developing countries and transition economies. TUAC is piloting the web page dealing with Corporate Governance issues.

To visit the GURN web page click here