
TUAC - OECD Labour Management Seminar on Fair Labour Migration - from Vision to Reality


In the context of the OECD Labour/Management Programme, a meeting of trade union experts was held on 17 October 2007 at OECD Headquarters. Under the auspices of the OECD LMP programme, the meeting examined past and current migration flows, its key drivers, its impact on sending and receiving countries, in particular upon labour markets and national systems of industrial relations in receiving countries. Moreover, the challenges as well as future perspectives of migration policies were discussed. The meeting aimed to increase awareness of the challenges and opportunities migration represents for OECD economies and raised some of the issues of greatest concern to labour unions. It provided a helpful forum for discussion on labour union perspectives of issues related to migration. A summary of the meeting report will be made available shortly. Below are links to some of the presentations which were delivered at the meeting:

Here are some links to background documents and websites providing additional information on migration:

Concil of Global Unions Statement to the Global Forum on Migration, Brussels, Julyb 2007 on SOCIAL DIALOGUE AND A RIGHTS-BASED FRAMEWORK – AT THE HEART OF MIGRATION POLICY

The OECD website on “International Migration Policies” offers access to migration statistics and policy papers addressing migration issues.

There is also an ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration. It outlines non-binding principles and guidelines for a rights-based approach to labour migration. It was adopted by an ILO Tripartite Meeting of Experts (Geneva, 31 October-2 November 2005). In its 295th Session in March 2006, the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to publish the adopted text of the Framework.