Business Accountability FOR Development: ITUC-TUDCN/EURODAD publication
Business Accountability FOR Development: Mapping business liability mechanisms and donor engagement with private sector in development is a publication produced by ITUC-TUDCN and EURODAD and supported by the CPDE, launched in April 2015.
How can we ensure that business – in particular multinational enterprises (MNEs) – really contribute to development in the countries where they operate? How can responsibility of their actions be granted against development impacts? How to keep them accountable for spending public money? These seem quite immediate questions. However, they still need to be answered.
The study “Business Accountability FOR Development”, launched in April 2015, was supported by the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), in cooperation with ITUC-TUDCN and EURODAD. It highlights existing business accountability mechanisms in general, and puts forward specific criteria to grant effectiveness of private sector initiatives in development.
Find the full text of the study here.
A 2-pager with the final recommendations is available here.