By most recent postings

15/07/2013| L20 Summit Calls on G20 Labour and Finance Ministers to Deliver on a Jobs Plan

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11/07/2013| Russian L20 Statement is out

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11/07/2013| L20 Summit Agenda 2013

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05/07/2013| The Labour 20 releases its Statement with Recommendations to the G20

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21/06/2013| Global Unions Call for Immediate End to Repression in Turkey

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18/06/2013| B20-L20 call on G20 Leaders to support Quality Apprenticeship Systems

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14/06/2013| Put Fairness back at the Heart of G8 Economies in Lough Erne

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13/06/2013| The World Bank revises global growth forecasts and introduces new challenges in latest Global Economic Prospects (GEP) Report

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07/06/2013| Outcomes of the “OECD Week” (27 – 30 May)

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07/06/2013| TUAC joins the Global Unions in calling Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to end the violence against civil protesters

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27/05/2013| Labour Representatives at the OECD Week 2013

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21/05/2013| The L20 at the Third G20 Sherpas’ Meeting

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13/05/2013| ILO: Youth unemployment crisis worsening, immediate and effective action needed

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18/04/2013| IMF labour market prescriptions condemn workers to worse jobs and more inequality


12/04/2013| TUAC calls for action on worsening jobs crisis at consultations to prepare the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting

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About TUAC

The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) to the OECD is an interface for labour unions with the OECD. It is an international trade union organisation which has consultative status with the OECD and its various committees.

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